Storage Providers

Connecting storage and platforms...


The list of storage providers supported by REX-Ray now mirrors the validated storage platform table from the libStorage project.


The initial REX-Ray 0.4.x release omits support for several, previously verified storage platforms. These providers will be reintroduced incrementally, beginning with 0.4.1. If an absent driver prevents the use of REX-Ray, please continue to use 0.3.3 until such time the storage platform is introduced in REX-Ray 0.4.x. Instructions on how to install REX-Ray 0.3.3 may be found here.

Supported Providers

The following storage providers and platforms are supported by REX-Ray.

Provider Storage Platform(s)
EMC ScaleIO, Isilon
Oracle VirtualBox Virtual Media
Amazon EC2 EBS, EFS

Support for the following storage providers will be reintroduced in upcoming releases:

Provider Storage Platform(s)
Google Compute Engine Disk
Open Stack Cinder
Rackspace Cinder