Storage Providers

Connecting storage and platforms...


This page reviews the storage providers and platforms supported by REX-Ray.

Amazon EC2

The Amazon EC2 driver registers a storage driver named ec2 with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used to connect and manage storage on EC2 instances. The EC2 driver is made possible by the goamz project.


The following is an example configuration of the AWS EC2 driver.

    accessKey: MyAccessKey
    secretKey: MySecretKey
    region:    USNW

For information on the equivalent environment variable and CLI flag names please see the section on how non top-level configuration properties are transformed.

Activating the Driver

To activate the EC2 driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using ec2 as the driver name.


Below is a full config.yml file that works with OpenStack.

  - ec2
    accessKey: MyAccessKey
    secretKey: MySecretKey

Google Compute Engine

The Google Compute Engine (GCE) registers a storage driver named gce with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used to connect and manage GCE storage.


In order to leverage the GCE driver, REX-Ray must be located on the running GCE instance that you wish to receive storage. There must also be a json key file for the credentials that can be retrieved from the API portal.


The following is an example configuration of the GCE driver.

  keyfile: path_to_json_key

For information on the equivalent environment variable and CLI flag names please see the section on how non top-level configuration properties are transformed.

Activating the Driver

To activate the GCE driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using gce as the driver name.


Below is a full config.yml file that works with GCE.

  - gce
  keyfile: /certdir/cert.json

Configurable Items

The following items are configurable specific to this driver. - volumeTypes


The Isilon driver registers a storage driver named isilon with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used to connect and manage Isilon NAS storage. The driver creates logical volumes in directories on the Isilon cluster. Volumes are exported via NFS and restricted to a single client at a time. Quotas can also be used to ensure that a volume directory doesn't exceed a specified size.


The following is an example configuration of the Isilon driver.

  endpoint: https://endpoint:8080
  insecure: true
  username: username
  group: groupname
  password: password
  volumePath: /rexray
  nfsHost: nfsHost
  dataSubnet: subnet
  quotas: true

For information on the equivalent environment variable and CLI flag names please see the section on how non top-level configuration properties are transformed.

Extra Parameters

The following items are configurable specific to this driver.

Optional Parameters

The following items are not required, but available to this driver.

Activating the Driver

To activate the Isilon driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using isilon as the driver name.


Below is a full config.yml file that works with Isilon.

  - isilon
  endpoint: https://endpoint:8080
  insecure: true
  username: username
  password: password
  volumePath: /rexray
  nfsHost: nfsHost
  dataSubnet: subnet
  quotas: true


It is expected that the volumePath exists already within the Isilon system. This example would reflect a directory create under /ifs/volumes/rexray for created volumes. It is not necessary to export this volume. The dataSubnet parameter is required so the Isilon driver can restrict access to attached volumes to the host that REX-Ray is running on.

If quotas are enabled, a SmartQuotas license must also be enabled on the Isilon cluster for the capacity size functionality of REX-Ray to work.

A SnapshotIQ license must be enabled on the Isilon cluster for the snapshot functionality of REX-Ray to work.


The Isilon driver is not without its caveats:


The OpenStack driver registers a storage driver named openstack with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used to connect and manage storage on OpenStack instances.


The following is an example configuration of the OpenStack driver.

    userID:               0
    userName:             admin
    password:             mypassword
    tenantID:             0
    tenantName:           customer
    domainID:             0
    domainName:           corp
    regionName:           USNW
    availabilityZoneName: Gold

For information on the equivalent environment variable and CLI flag names please see the section on how non top-level configuration properties are transformed.

Activating the Driver

To activate the OpenStack driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using openstack as the driver name.


Below is a full config.yml file that works with OpenStack.

  - openstack
  authUrl: https://keystoneHost:35357/v2.0/
  username: username
  password: password
  tenantName: tenantName
  regionName: regionName


The Rackspace driver registers a storage driver named rackspace with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used to connect and manage storage on Rackspace instances.


The following is an example configuration of the Rackspace driver.

    userID:     0
    userName:   admin
    password:   mypassword
    tenantID:   0
    tenantName: customer
    domainID:   0
    domainName: corp

Activating the Driver

To activate the Rackspace driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using rackspace as the driver name.


Below is a full config.yml file that works with Rackspace.

  - rackspace
  authUrl: https://keystoneHost:35357/v2.0/
  username: username
  password: password
  tenantName: tenantName
  regionName: regionName


The ScaleIO driver registers a storage driver named scaleio with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used to connect and manage ScaleIO storage. The ScaleIO REST Gateway is required for the driver to function.


The following is an example with all possible fields configured. For a running example see the Examples section.

    endpoint:             https://host_ip/api
    insecure:             false
    useCerts:             true
    userName:             admin
    password:             mypassword
    systemID:             0
    systemName:           sysv
    protectionDomainID:   0
    protectionDomainName: corp
    storagePoolID:        0
    storagePoolName:      gold
    thinOrThick:          ThinProvisioned

Configuration Notes

For information on the equivalent environment variable and CLI flag names please see the section on how non top-level configuration properties are transformed.

Runtime Behavior

The storageType field that is configured per volume is considered the ScaleIO Storage Pool. This can be configured by default with the storagePool setting. It is important that you create unique names for your Storage Pools on the same ScaleIO platform. Otherwise, when specifying storageType it may choose at random which protectionDomain the pool comes from.

The availabilityZone field represents the ScaleIO Protection Domain.

Configuring the Gateway

java -jar /opt/emc/scaleio/gateway/webapps/ROOT/resources/install-CLI.jar \
  --reset_password 'gw_password' \
  --config_file /opt/emc/scaleio/gateway/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/

Activating the Driver

To activate the ScaleIO driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using scaleio as the driver name.


Ensure that you are able to open a TCP connection to the gateway with the address that you will be supplying below in the gateway_ip parameter. For example telnet gateway_ip 443 should open a successful connection. Removing the EMC-ScaleIO-gateway package and reinstalling can force re-creation of self-signed certs which may help resolve gateway problems. Also try restarting the gateway with service scaleio-gateway restart.


Below is a full config.yml file that works with ScaleIO.

  - scaleio
  endpoint: https://gateway_ip/api
  insecure: true
  userName: username
  password: password
  systemName: tenantName
  protectionDomainName: protectionDomainName
  storagePoolName: storagePoolName


The VirtualBox driver registers a storage driver named virtualbox with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used by VirtualBox VM's to to connect and manage volumes provided by Virtual Box.


In order to leverage the virtualbox driver, REX-Ray must be located on each VM that you wish to be able to consume external volumes. The driver leverages the vboxwebserv HTTP SOAP API which is a process that must be started from the VirtualBox host (ie OS X) using vboxwebsrv -H -v or additionally with -b for running in the background. This allows the VMs running REX-Ray to remotely make calls to the underlying VirtualBox application. A test for connectivity can be done with telnet virtualboxip 18083 from the VM. The virtualboxip is what you would put in the endpoint value.

It is optional to leverage authentication. The HTTP SOAP API can have authentication disabled by running VBoxManage setproperty websrvauthlibrary null.

Hot-Plugging is required, which limits the usefulness of this driver to SATA only. Ensure that your VM has pre-created this controller and it is named SATA. Otherwise the controllerName field must be populated with the name of the controller you wish to use. The port count must be set manually as it cannot be increased when the VMs are on. A count of 30 is sugggested.

VirtualBox 5.0.10+ must be used.


The following is an example configuration of the VirtualBox driver.
The localMachineNameOrId parameter is for development use where you force REX-Ray to use a specific VM identity. Choose a volumePath to store the volume files or virtual disks. This path should be created ahead of time.

  endpoint: http://virtualboxhost:18083
  userName: optional
  password: optional
  tls: false
  volumePath: /Users/your_user/VirtualBox Volumes
  controllerName: name
  localMachineNameOrId: forDevelopmentUse

For information on the equivalent environment variable and CLI flag names please see the section on how non top-level configuration properties are transformed.

Activating the Driver

To activate the VirtualBox driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using virtualbox as the driver name.


Below is a working config.yml file that works with VirtualBox.

  - virtualbox
  endpoint: http://virtualBoxIP:18083
  volumePath: /Users/your_user/VirtualBox Volumes



The VMAX driver registers a storage driver named vmax with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used to connect and manage VMAX block storage.

This driver will in the future be used in many scenarios including HBA and iSCSI. Right now, the driver is functioning in the vmh mode. This means the Volume attachment and detachment is occurring as RDM's to a VM where REX-Ray is running. This use case enables you to address volumes for containers as 1st class VMAX volumes while being capable of taking advantage of mobility options such as vSphere vMotion.


The following is an example configuration of the Isilon driver.

  smisHost: smisHost
  smisPort: smisPort
  insecure: true
  username: admin
  password: password
  sid: '000000000000'
  volumePrefix: "rexray_"
  storageGroup: storageGroup
  mode: vmh
    host: vcenter_or_vm_host
    username: username
    password: password
    insecure: true

For information on the equivalent environment variable and CLI flag names please see the section on how non top-level configuration properties are transformed.

Extra Parameters

The following items are configurable specific to this driver.

Activating the Driver

To activate the VMAX driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using vmax as the driver name.


Below is a full config.yml file that works with Isilon.

  - vmax
  logLevel: debug
  smisHost: smisHost
  smisPort: smisPort
  insecure: true
  username: admin
  password: password
  sid: '000000000000'
  volumePrefix: "rexray_"
  storageGroup: storageGroup
  mode: vmh
    host: vcenter_or_vm_host
    username: username
    password: password
    insecure: true


For the vmh mode, ensure that you have pre-created the storage group as defined by storageGroup. The underlying ESX hosts in the cluster where the VM can move should already be in a masking view that has access to the VMAX ports and should be properly logged in.



The XtremIO registers a storage driver named xtremio with the REX-Ray driver manager and is used to connect and manage XtremIO storage.


The following is an example configuration of the XtremIO driver.

    userName:         admin
    password:         mypassword
    insecure:         false
    deviceMapper:     false
    multipath:        true
    remoteManagement: false

For information on the equivalent environment variable and CLI flag names please see the section on how non top-level configuration properties are transformed.

Activating the Driver

To activate the XtremIO driver please follow the instructions for activating storage drivers, using xtremio as the driver name.


Below is a full config.yml file that works with XtremIO.

  - xtremio
  endpoint: endpoint
  insecure: true
  username: admin
  password: password
  multipath: true


To use the XtremIO driver, an iSCSI connection between the host and XtremIO must already be established.


The driver currently is built for iSCSI operations with XtremIO. It is expected that connectivity between the host and XIO has been established. The following packages can be used for this. open-scsi provides the iSCSI connectivity. multipath-tools enables multi-path behavior and relates to the multipath flag if installed.

Initiator Group

Once a login has occurred, then you should be able to create a initiator group for this iSCSI IQN. You can leverage default naming for the initiator and group.