YEEEEAAAAAAAAHH! Won't get fooled again!

The Container Storage Interface (CSI) specification is an industry-wide collaboration between the companies that make container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes, Mesos, and Docker.

REX-Ray supports CSI and adheres to all of the specification's requirements, such as idempotency. This means that all existing storage providers support CSI and are idempotent as well. Not only that, but REX-Ray supports native CSI plug-ins!

Provider Storage Platform
Amazon EC2 EBS
Ceph RBD
Local CSI-BlockDevices
Dell EMC Isilon
DigitalOcean Block Storage
FittedCloud EBS Optimizer
Google GCE Persistent Disk
Microsoft Azure Unmanaged Disk
OpenStack Cinder
VirtualBox Virtual Media

Start a Server

The REX-Ray CSI server has two modes:

Server Mode Description
Bridge Supports existing, libStorage-based storage platforms
Native Supports native CSI plug-ins

Bridge Server

This server mode provides a bridge between CSI and the storage platforms supported by REX-Ray via libStorage drivers.


The rest of this example assumes that REX-Ray is configured properly following the same conventions as earlier versions of REX-Ray.

REX-Ray using CSI is configured no differently than without CSI. Please see the configuration documentation for information on getting started with REX-Ray.

The following example illustrates how to start a REX-Ray CSI server in bridge mode:

$ X_CSI_DRIVER=libstorage \
  CSI_ENDPOINT=csi.sock rexray start

The environment variable X_CSI_DRIVER in the above command is explicitly set to libstorage, the name of the bridge driver. This is also the default value for the X_CSI_DRIVER configuration option.

Native Server

This server mode eschews the storage drivers that target libStorage and uses only native CSI plug-ins. It's possible to start a REX-Ray CSI server using native mode that has the Docker module and libStorage completely disabled:

$ X_CSI_DRIVER=csi-vfs \
  X_CSI_NATIVE=true \
  CSI_ENDPOINT=csi.sock rexray start

The above command looks similar to the one used to start bridge mode except for a new environment variable:

Name Description
X_CSI_NATIVE A flag that disables both the CSI->libStorage bridge and REX-Ray's embedded libStorage server

In native mode he environment variable X_CSI_DRIVER is set to the name of a native CSI plug-in, in this case csi-vfs. In fact, X_CSI_DRIVER is automatically set to csi-vfs if X_CSI_NATIVE is set to a truthy value.

Use a Client

A CSI client does not care whether or not REX-Ray's CSI server is operating in bridge or native mode. However, for the purposes of the examples below, native mode will be used in order to leverage the CSI-VFS plug-in as it's portable and works on Linux and Darwin.

First, export the CSI_ENDPOINT location for both the server and client to use.

$ export CSI_ENDPOINT=csi.sock

Next, start a REX-Ray CSI server in native mode (the default CSI plug-in in native mode is CSI-VFS):

$ X_CSI_DRIVER=csi-vfs \
  X_CSI_NATIVE=true \
  rexray start &> rexray.log &


Please note the above command runs the REX-Ray server in the background.

Now that a CSI server is running, it's time to access it. To do that a CSI client is needed, such as csc:

$ go get github.com/thecodeteam/gocsi/csc

Once installed, the csc program can be used to create a volume:

$ csc new MyNewVolume

List volumes:

$ csc ls

Publish a volume:

$ csc att path=/Users/akutz/.csi-vfs/vol/MyNewVolume

And more! The csc program supports all of the CSI specifications remote procedure calls (RPC). It's a great method to develop and test against a CSI endpoint.


There are a few CSI-specific configuration options when using REX-Ray:

Environment Variable Flag Default Description
CSI_ENDPOINT /run/docker/plugins/rexray.sock The endpoint used by the CSI module
X_CSI_DRIVER --csiDriver libstorage The name of the CSI plug-in used by the CSI module. If X_CSI_NATIVE is set to a truthy value the default value for X_CSI_DRIVER becomes csi-vfs.
X_CSI_NATIVE false A flag that disables the CSI to libStorage bridge.

Multiplexing Docker

All of REX-Ray's managed Docker plug-ins include support for CSI. However, there's an issue. Today it is not possible to create a managed Docker plug-in that does not adhere to one of Docker's supported plug-in interfaces.

In short, when Docker starts a plug-in, Docker will validate that the service hosted on the plug-in's advertised sock file is compatible with the plug-in's configured interface type. If this is not the case then Docker marks the plug-in in error.

REX-Ray's managed Docker plug-ins circumvent this restriction by multiplexing a CSI server -- bridge or native -- and a Docker Volume API server at the same endpoint.

Here's a quick example showcasing this functionality. First, start REX-Ray in CSI native mode with debug logging enabled:

$ X_CSI_NATIVE=true \
  X_CSI_DRIVER=csi-vfs \
  rexray start -l debug

Now, in a new terminal use the csc client to create a new volume:

$ CSI_ENDPOINT=/run/docker/plugins/rexray.sock csc new MyNewVolume

So far, so normal. However, this is where the multiplexing comes into play. Use the curl command to issue a Docker Volume API command to the same socket file:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST -d '{}' --unix-socket /run/docker/plugins/rexray.sock http://localhost/VolumeDriver.List

The logs from the first terminal will also indicate when CSI is running in multiplexed mode:

INFO[0000] multiplexed csi+docker endpoint               sockFile=/run/docker/plugins/rexray.sock time=1505081594112