
Scheduling storage one resource at a time...


This page reviews the scheduling systems supported by REX-Ray.


The majority of the documentation for the Docker integration driver has been relocated to the libStorage project.

External Access

By default, REX-Ray's embedded Docker Volume Plug-in endpoint handles requests from the local Docker service via a UNIX socket. Doing so restricts the endpoint to the localhost, increasing network security by removing a possible attack vector. If an externally accessible Docker Volume Plug-in endpoint is required, it's still possible to create one by overriding the address for the default-docker module in REX-Ray's configuration file:

      host: tcp://:7981

The above example illustrates how to override the default-docker module's endpoint address. The value tcp://:7981 instructs the Docker Volume Plug-in to listen on port 7981 for all configured interfaces.

Using a TCP endpoint has a side-effect however -- the local Docker instance will not know about the Volume Plug-in endpoint as there is no longer a UNIX socket file in the directory the Docker service continually scans.

On the local system, and in fact on all systems where the Docker service needs to know about this externally accessible Volume Plug-in endpoint, a spec file must be created at /etc/docker/plug-ins/rexray.spec. Inside this file simply include a single line with the network address of the endpoint. For example:


With a spec file located at /etc/docker/plug-ins/rexray.spec that contains the above contents, Docker instances will query the Volume Plug-in endpoint at tcp:// when volume requests are received.

Volume Management

The volume sub-command for Docker 1.12+ should look similar to the following:

$ docker volume

Usage:  docker volume [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

Manage Docker volumes

  create                   Create a volume
  inspect                  Return low-level information on a volume
  ls                       List volumes
  rm                       Remove a volume

List Volumes

The list command reviews a list of available volumes that have been discovered via Docker Volume Plug-in endpoints such as REX-Ray. Each volume name is expected to be unique. Thus volume names must also be unique across all endpoints, and in turn, across all storage platforms exposed by REX-Ray.

With the exception of the local driver, the list of returned volumes is generated by the backend storage platform to which the configured driver communicates:

$ docker volume ls
local               local1
scaleio             Volume-001
virtualbox          vbox1

Inspect Volume

The inspect command can be used to retrieve details about a volume related to both Docker and the underlying storage platform. The fields listed under Status are all generated by REX-Ray, including Size in GB, Volume Type, and Availability Zone.

The Scope parameter ensures that when the specified volume driver is inspected by multiple Docker hosts, the volumes tagged as global are all interpreted as the same volume. This reduces unnecessary round-trips in situations where an application such as Docker Swarm is connected to hosts configured with REX-Ray.

$ docker volume inspect vbox1
        "Name": "vbox1",
        "Driver": "virtualbox",
        "Mountpoint": "",
        "Status": {
            "availabilityZone": "",
            "fields": null,
            "iops": 0,
            "name": "vbox1",
            "server": "virtualbox",
            "service": "virtualbox",
            "size": 8,
            "type": ""
        "Labels": {},
        "Scope": "global"

Create Volume

Docker's volume create command enables the creation of new volumes on the underlying storage platform. Newly created volumes are available immediately to be attached and mounted. The volume create command also supports the CLI flag -o|--opt in order to support providing custom data to the volume creation workflow:

$ docker volume create --driver=virtualbox --name=vbox2 --opt=size=2

Additional, valid options for the -o|--opt parameter include:

option description
size Size in GB
volumeType Type of Volume or Storage Pool
volumeName Create from an existing volume name
volumeID Create from an existing volume ID
snapshotName Create from an existing snapshot name
snapshotID Create from an existing snapshot ID

Remove Volume

A volume may be removed once it is no longer in use by a container, running or otherwise. The process of removing a container actually causes the volume to be removed if that is the last container to leverage said volume:

$ docker volume rm vbox2

Containers with Volumes

Please review the Applications section for information on configuring popular applications with persistent storage via Docker and REX-Ray.


REX-Ray can be integrated with Kubernetes allowing pods to consume data stored on volumes that are orchestrated by REX-Ray. Using Kubernetes' FlexVolume plug-in, REX-Ray can provide uniform access to storage operatations such as attach, mount, detach, and unmount for any configured storage provider. REX-Ray provides an adapter script called FlexRex which integrates with the FlexVolume to interact with the backing storage system.



It is assumed that you have a Kubernetes cluster at your disposal. On each Kubernetes node (running the kubelet), do the followings:

# rexray volume ls
ID                Name   Status     Size
925def7200000006  vol01  available  32
925def7100000005  vol02  available  32

If there is no issue, you should see an output, similar to above, which shows a list of previously created volumes. If instead you get an error,
ensure that REX-Ray is properly configured for the intended storage system.

Next, using the REX-Ray binary, install the FlexRex adapter script on the node as shown below.

# rexray flexrex install

This should produce the following output showing that the FlexRex script is installed successfully:

Path                                                                        Installed  Modified
/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plug-ins/volume/exec/rexray~flexrex/flexrex  true       false

The path shown above is the default location where the FlexVolume plug-in will expect to find its integration code. If you are not using the default location with FlexVolume, you can install the FlexRex in an arbitrary location using:

# rexray flexrex install --path /opt/plug-ins/rexray~flexrex/flexrex

Next, restart the kublet process on the node:

# systemctl restart kubelet

You can validate that the FlexRex script has been started successfully by searching the kubelet log for an entry similar to the following:

I0208 10:56:57.412207    5348 plug-ins.go:350] Loaded volume plug-in "rexray/flexrex"

Pods and Persistent Volumes

You can now deploy pods and persistent volumes that use storage systems orchestrated by REX-Ray. It is worth pointing out that the Kubernetes FlexVolme plug-in can only attach volumes that already exist in the storge system. Any volume that is to be used by a Kubernetes resource must be listed in a rexray volume ls command.

Pod with REX-Ray volume

The following YAML file shows the definition of a pod that uses FlexRex to attach a volume to be used by the pod.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-0
  - image:
    name: pod-0
    - mountPath: /test-pd
      name: vol-0
  - name: vol-0
      driver: rexray/flexrex
      fsType: ext4
        volumeID: test-vol-1
        forceAttach: "true"
        forceAttachDelay: "15"

Notice in the section under flexVolume the name of the driver attribute driver: rexray/flexrex. This is used by the FlexVolume plug-in to launch REX-Ray. Additional options can be provided in the options: as follows:

Option Desription
volumeID Reference name of the volume in REX-Ray
forceAttach When true ensures the volume is availble before attahing (optinal, defaults to false)
forceAttachDelay Total amount of time (in sec) to attempt attachment with 5 sec interval between tries (optional)

REX-Ray PersistentVolume

The next example shows a YAML definition of Persistent Volume (PV) managed by REX-Ray.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: vol01
    storage: 32Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    driver: rexray/flexrex
    fsType: xfs
      volumeID: redis01
      forceAttach: "true"
      forceAttachDelay: "15"

The next YAML shows a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) that carves out 10Gi out of the PV defined above.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: vol01
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi

The claim can then be used by a pod in a YAML definition as shown below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-1
  - image:
    name: pod-1
    - mountPath: /test-pd
      name: vol01
  - name: vol01
      claimName: vol01


In Mesos the frameworks are responsible for receiving requests from consumers and then proceeding to schedule and manage tasks. While some frameworks, like Marathon, are open to run any workload for sustained periods of time, others are use case specific, such as Cassandra. Frameworks may also receive requests from other platforms in addition to schedulers instead of consumers such as Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, and Swarm.

Once a resource offer is accepted from Mesos, tasks are launched to support the associated workloads. These tasks are eventually distributed to Mesos agents in order to spin up containers.

REX-Ray enables on-demand storage allocation for agents receiving tasks via two deployment configurations:

  1. Docker Containerizer with Marathon

  2. Mesos Containerizer with Marathon

Docker Containerizer with Marathon

When the framework leverages the Docker containerizer, Docker and REX-Ray should both already be configured and working. The following example shows how to use Marathon in order to bring an application online with external volumes:

    "id": "nginx",
    "container": {
        "docker": {
            "image": "million12/nginx",
            "network": "BRIDGE",
            "portMappings": [{
                "containerPort": 80,
                "hostPort": 0,
                "protocol": "tcp"
            "parameters": [{
                "key": "volume-driver",
                "value": "rexray"
            }, {
                "key": "volume",
                "value": "nginx-data:/data/www"
    "cpus": 0.2,
    "mem": 32.0,
    "instances": 1

Mesos Containerizer with Marathon

Mesos 0.23+ includes modules that enable extensibility for different portions of the architecture. The dvdcli and mesos-module-dvdi projects are required to enable external volume support with the native containerizer.

The next example is similar to the one above, except in this instance the native containerizer is preferred and volume requests are handled by the env section.

  "id": "hello-play",
  "cmd": "while [ true ] ; do touch /var/lib/rexray/volumes/test12345/hello ; sleep 5 ; done",
  "mem": 32,
  "cpus": 0.1,
  "instances": 1,
  "env": {
    "DVDI_VOLUME_NAME": "test12345",
    "DVDI_VOLUME_DRIVER": "rexray",
    "DVDI_VOLUME_OPTS": "size=5,iops=150,volumetype=io1,newfstype=xfs,overwritefs=true"

This example also illustrates several important settings for the native method. While the VirtualBox driver is being used, any validated storage platform should work. Additionally, there are two options recommended for this type of configuration:

Property Recommendation
libstorage.integration.volume.operations.mount.preempt Setting this flag to true ensures any host can preempt control of a volume from other hosts
libstorage.integration.volume.operations.unmount.ignoreUsedCount Enabling this flag declares that mesos-module-dvdi is the authoritative source for deciding when to unmount volumes

Please refer to the libStorage documentation for more information on Volume Configuration options.


The libstorage.integration.volume.operations.remove.disable property can prevent the scheduler from removing volumes. Setting this flag to true is recommended when using Mesos with Docker 1.9.1 or earlier.

  service: virtualbox
          preempt: true
          ignoreusedcount: true
          disable: true
  volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes